Sunday, 28 August 2011

Bail Pola

Today is Bail Pola in Maharashtra. This festival is celebrated to show respect to the bulls who toil for the farmer throughout the year. Though this festival is celebrated on large scale in the state of  Maharashtra in India it is also celebrated in one or another form all over India.
On this day, the bulls are not only given full holiday from their work but also they are decorated in many different ways and taken out in procession in villages and cities along with musical accompaniment.When the procession comes to an end these bull are taken to their respective homes or farmhouses and they are fed with many food delicacies. Only after the bulls are fed then the members of the respective families have their special dinner especially prepared for the festival.

Bail- Pola (Festival for Bulls)

The festival ends in the evening after the bulls are fed and tied to their tethers in the shed. But the preparation for the festival starts right from the morning of the day of the  festival.In the morning the bulls are taken to nearby rivers or stream which are full of water at this time of the year and are thoroughly rubbed and washed. Then they are again brought to their respective farmhouses and are decorated in many eye-catching and fascinating ways. Their bodies are splashed with many colours; their horns rubbed and smoothed and coloured ; festoons tied to their horns; garlands of flowers put around their necks.No efforts are spared to make them as beautiful and attractive as possible.
Late in the afternoon they are taken into procession throughout the villages or towns along with musical accompaniment. The procession continues late in the evening then the bulls are taken to their respective farm houses.
Lately, the number of this species is decreasing rapidly thanks to the increasing use of automated farming technology. Some people even fear that the day will not be far when one would have the privilege of watching these animals only in pictures.

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